The point is, when I need starmetal for anything and I’m out of reserves, I need to spend 1h to 3hs of my game time wandering aimlessly, until lucky does that I can find a meteor… Also, I make Star metal weapons for my thralls, too… so each of them drains my reserves a bit. The point of repairing weapons was maybe moot, all in all… I wasn’t thinking the whole picture when I wrote that, but besides that, there’s also Thrall setup… and some of the armors I like use starmetal and are quite a drain on the reserves.

And what I mean by that is: a game’s feature that’s supposedly to be awesome and interesting, is turned sour just because a single misimplemented thing… the fact that you CANNOT see the landing place of a meteor you heard, in the distance.Īnd there are other weirdness too… for example, after 3hs of wandering around the area of the frozen lake in the north, I finally found about 5 meteors… and there’s the problem with that… every single one of them I found it by luck… none of them (well, technically, maybe except one… the one I heard before it was probably one of them… don’t know which) had any sign of the impact, none of them was visible at distance… none of them made any noise… etc etc.Īnd I had the luck to find them… but maybe in other day, I don’t have that luck… and I find none. Yeah, that’s true… but it kinda sidetracks the issue, in a way.

I only needed like 3-4 meteorites to craft everything I wanted There’s simply no way I’m wasting more time in this game trying to find a landing zone of a meteor, when I just need to advance the game and continue the supposed story plot. Or at least the frequency of occurrence and visibility of the landing zones need to be adjustable in the admin panel. And you cannot possibly pretend that you should need to spend hours of your game time just to harvest a few couple hundred star metal ore.

It’s simply too tedious… too undependable. I didn’t see the trails… just heard the noise and the noise didn’t point me in any direction and there is not any visible indication at distance of where the landing area was. And when they happen… because I heard one happen… you simply don’t know where it landed. Or else I can’t repair my weapons and my tools.Īnd I simply can’t find one single meteor reliable… is TOO RNG based. They are simply not reliable… I’m past the point where I was in need to explore the areas and just find them as I’m wandering around… now I already know the places and just need the star metal to continue playing the game normally. Because there’s no tags for discriminating that info.)