Let me know if you encounter any problems. Use without pack will result in missing texture problems.

If you like my work and want to support me Have access to my content a week earlier than the public Thank you :) Most popular. Warning: This package does not contain any of the original textures - it links to the Get To Work assets instead. While these two units are both used to describe a vehicles engine power, cubic centimeters cannot be converted directly to horsepower. creating Sims 4 Custom Content, Tutorials, Photoshop, Blender. Rebinned as long, because I don't understand Maxis's logic behind binning it as short. Available in three flavors - f+m ("yu" in the file list), only f ("yf") and only m ("ym") - because I know someone will always ask for separates. Teen through elder, recolored in standard CAS colors to complete the swatch set. Get the free sims 4 cc with HAIR CONVERSION on this website by the million of sims 4 custom content creator Lana CC Finds - Sims 4 CC, Hair, Worlds, Cheats. Seriously, how upset were you when you saw this this hair and realized it was only available for kids? Well, fixed it for ya now.

The new version will also fix the issue with messed up weights around the neck, sims bugging out when trying to change into club clothes and lack of appropriate EP icon. Totally planning to update this for the 6/2/16 patch, but I currently don't have access to the game, so I don't know when it may happen.